Ihr Suchergebnis für Glow Foundation

10 Ergebnisse für Ihre Suche nach "Glow Foundation"


Glow25 gründet eigene Stiftung: Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung übernehmen

Primal, Stiftung, State, Performance, Jahre, Drei, Unternehmen, Verantwortung, Berlin, Weg Glow25 /Primal State Performance GmbH: Berlin (ots) - Drei Jahre nach der Gründung geht die Glow25 ... mehr ... 24. Oktober 2024


Noch einmal strahlen die Lichter im Dinosaurierpark: Magisch-bunter Saisonausklang

Dinosaurierpark, Oktober, Lichter, November, Teufelsschlucht, Magisch, Eifel, Saisonausklang, Glow, Jurassic Vom 24. Oktober bis 1. November 2024 wird „Jurassic Glow“ im Dinosaurierpark Teufelsschlucht in ... mehr ... 23. Oktober 2024


Studienergebnisse zeigen: Krankenhausaufenthalte von Kleinkindern durch RSV belasten Familien

Kleinkindern, Care, Newborn, Säuglingen, European, München, Infektion, Krankenhausaufenthalte, Respiratorischen, Synzytial EFCNI - European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants: München (ots) - Bisher gab es nur weni... mehr ... 23. Oktober 2024


VMware muss Sicherheitslücke zweimal patchen

Patch, Schwachstelle, Server, Sicherheitslücke, Hacker, Remote, Zero, Wettbewerb, September, Fehler Im vCenter brennt es mal wieder wie chinesische Hacker aufgedeckt haben. Shutt... mehr ... 22. Oktober 2024


Ban Ki-moon besucht Chery RIDE GREEN LIFE mit dem Tiggo 9 PHEV und wirbt für umweltfreundliches Reisen

Chery, Ban, China, Wuhu, Oktober, Generalsekretär, Vereinten, Vorsitzende, Reisen, Automobile Chery Automobile Co., Ltd.: Wuhu, China (ots/PRNewswire) - Am 20. Oktober besuchte Ban Ki-moon, der ... mehr ... 21. Oktober 2024


IT-Sicherheit: Windows bedroht - Neue Sicherheitslücke bei OPC Foundation OPC Core Components

Core, Sicherheit, Foundation, Components, Windows, Für, Neue, Risiko, Sicherheitslücke, Systemen Für OPC Foundation OPC Core Components gibt es einen aktuellen BSI-Sicherheitshinweis.. Wodurch die... mehr ... 19. Oktober 2024


Stiftung Pfennigparade and TUM: Supporting disabled persons with robotics and AI

Pfennigparade, Supporting, Foundation, Technische, University, Munich, Technical, München, Stiftung, The Technische Universität München: TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE Technical University ... mehr ... 17. Oktober 2024


Eclipse-Studie: Java-Nutzer wandern ab – Jakarta EE gewinnt, Java EE verliert

Java, Eclipse, Nutzer, Studie, Jakarta, Beliebtheit, Foundation, Laut Laut einer Studie der Eclipse Foundation steigt die Beliebtheit von Java 21, während Jakarta EE Nut... mehr ... 16. Oktober 2024


Ergotherapie ptv Sachsen in Ebersbach

This appears to be the newsletter layout for the "Psychosozialer Trägerverein Sachsen e.V." (ptv Sachsen), a non-profit organization in Dresden, Germany. Here's a breakdown of the key elements: **1. Header:** * **Subscription Notice:** Clearly states that subscribing to the newsletter implies consent to process personal data for sending it. It also mentions an easy unsubscribe option and a link to their privacy policy. * **Organization Name & Contact Information:** "Psychosozialer Trägerverein Sachsen e.V." is prominently displayed, followed by their address and phone number with a formatted link. **2. Navigation Menu:** The menu links are organized into categories: * **For specific groups:** * Betroffene (for those affected) * Angehörige (for family members) * Jugendliche (for teenagers) * Kostenträger (for funding bodies) * Partner (for collaborators) * Mitarbeiter*innen (for employees) * **Services & Programs:** * Beratung (Counseling) * Arbeit & Beschäftigung / Tagesstruktur (Work & Employment/Daily Structure) * Therapie & Pflege (Therapy & Care) * Wohnen (Housing) * Begleitung in der eigenen Häuslichkeit (Accompaniment at home) * Projekte und Fortbildungen (Projects and Trainings) **3. Footer:** * **Additional Links:** Covers various aspects of the organization: * Start, Kontakt, Leitbild, Satzung (Starting Page, Contact, Mission Statement, Statutes) * Stellenanzeigen (Job Postings), Praktikum / Ehrenamt / Freiwilligendienst (Internship/Volunteering) * Newsletter abonnieren, Datenschutzerklärung, Impressum (Subscribe to Newsletter, Privacy Policy, Legal Notice) * Tochterfirmen (Subsidiaries), Stiftung Ariadnefaden (Ariadne's Thread Foundation) * **Social Media Icons:** Links to Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram accounts. * **Donation Button & Account Information:** Encourages donations with a button linking to their online platform and provides bank details for direct transfers. **4. Copyright Notice:** * © 2024 · ptv Sachsen This newsletter layout is well-structured, providing clear information about the organization's services, contact details, and ways to get involved (donations, volunteering). The use of links makes it easy for readers to navigate and find specific information they need. mehr ... zuletzt aktualisiert am 05. September 2024


Jürgen Manuel

Mit der Kids Foundation möchte ich mein Glück teilen und meiner sozialen Verantwortung gerecht werden, indem ich benachteiligten Kindern in meiner Heimat etwas von dem zurückgebe, was ich in meiner Jugend haben durfte: Chancen und Perspektiven für mei mehr ... zuletzt aktualisiert am 09. Oktober 2024



mehr ... zuletzt aktualisiert am 09. Oktober 2024


Anglo-German Foundation Deutsch-Britische Stiftung

mehr ... zuletzt aktualisiert am 09. Oktober 2024


Lucky Horses - Rai Reitschule

Quarter Horse & Paint Horse Zucht - Foundation-, Ranch- & Westernpferde in Bayern., Quarter Horse & Paint Horse Zucht - Foundation-, Ranch- & Westernpferde in Bayern. mehr ... zuletzt aktualisiert am 09. Oktober 2024


Galerie Karl Pfefferle

Since its foundation in 1991, GALERIE WOLFGANG JAHN has specialized in national and international contemporary art and has staged more than 60 exhibitions., Since its foundation in 1991, GALERIE WOLFGANG JAHN has specialized in national and international contemporary art and has staged more than 60 exhibitions. mehr ... zuletzt aktualisiert am 09. Oktober 2024


Animals Asia Foundation e.V.

Tierschutzorganisation mehr ... zuletzt aktualisiert am 09. Oktober 2024


Muth Partners GmbH Corporate Consulting

Muth Partners bietet als IT-Consulting Unternehmen Planung, Steuerung, Design, Realisierung und Qualitätssicherung von Softwaresystemen. Muth Partners ist ISTQB akkreditierter Anbieter von Trainings zum Certified Tester Foundation Level. Der öffentlich mehr ... zuletzt aktualisiert am 09. Oktober 2024


Ergotherapie ptv Sachsen in Olbersdorf

This appears to be the HTML source code for a newsletter or webpage from a German non-profit organization called "Psychosozialer Trägerverein Sachsen e.V." Here's a breakdown of what it contains: **1. Header:** * **Newsletter Subscription:** A message about subscribing to their newsletter, mentioning data processing and the privacy policy link. * **Acceptance of Privacy Policy:** A prompt for users to accept the privacy policy before proceeding. **2. Organization Information:** * **Name:** Psychosozialer Trägerverein Sachsen e.V. * **Address:** Fetscherstraße 32/34, 01307 Dresden, Germany * **Phone Number:** +49 (0)3 51 - 31 46 99 80 **3. Navigational Links (Wegweiser):** * Links categorized by target groups: * Betroffene (Affected individuals) * Angehörige (Relatives) * Jugendliche (Young people) * Kostenträger (Funders/Insurance providers) * Partner (Partners) * Mitarbeiter*innen (Staff) **4. Service & Program Links:** * Links categorized by service: * Beratung (Counseling) * Arbeit & Beschäftigung / Tagesstruktur (Work & Employment/Daily Structure) * Therapie & Pflege (Therapy & Care) * Wohnen (Housing) * Begleitung in der eigenen Häuslichkeit (Support at home) * Projekte und Fortbildungen (Projects and Training) **5. Additional Links:** * **Start:** Homepage link * **Kontakt:** Contact information * **Das Leitbild:** Mission Statement * **Satzung:** Statutes * **Stellenanzeigen:** Job postings * **Praktikum / Ehrenamt / Freiwilligendienst:** Internship/Volunteering opportunities * **Newsletter abonnieren:** Newsletter subscription * **Datenschutzerklärung:** Privacy Policy * **Impressum:** Legal notice * **Login:** Login area (possibly for members or staff) * **Tochterfirmen:** Subsidiary companies * **Stiftung Ariadnefaden:** Information about a related foundation **6. Social Media Links:** * Links to Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram profiles. **7. Donation Information:** * A call to donate with a link to an online donation platform (Spendenbank) * Bank account details for direct transfers Let me know if you have any specific questions about this HTML code or the organization itself. mehr ... zuletzt aktualisiert am 09. Oktober 2024


Ergo- und Lerntherapie Ina John

This text appears to be a **privacy policy** for a website. Let's break down the key points: **1. Data Protection Authority:** * If you believe there has been a data protection violation, you have the right to file a complaint with the relevant data protection authority (Landesdatenschutzbeauftragte) in the German state where the company is located. A list of data protection officers and their contact information can be found at [https://www.bfdi.bund.de/DE/Infothek/Anschriften_Links/anschriften_links-node.html](https://www.bfdi.bund.de/DE/Infothek/Anschriften_Links/anschriften_links-node.html). **2. Data Portability:** * You have the right to receive your personal data that is processed automatically based on your consent or a contract in a common, machine-readable format. You can request this data be transferred directly to another controller if technically feasible. **3. Access, Blocking, Deletion:** * Within the framework of applicable legal provisions, you have the right at any time to obtain information free of charge about your stored personal data, its origin and recipient, and the purpose of data processing. You may also have a right to correction, blocking, or deletion of this data. **4. Website Provision and Log File Creation:** * The website provider automatically collects and stores information in server log files that your browser transmits. This includes: * Browser type and version * Operating system used * Referrer URL * Hostname of the accessing computer * Time of server request * IP address * This data is stored for the purpose of providing an efficient and secure online service, optimizing the website, and ensuring the security of the IT systems. It is not merged with other personal data of the user. * The storage in log files is based on the legitimate interest in the efficient and secure provision of this online offer pursuant to Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO (General Data Protection Regulation). **5. Email Contact:** * You can contact the website operator via the provided email address. In this case, the personal data transmitted with the email will be stored. This constitutes a legitimate interest in processing the data for handling the conversation. * There is no forwarding of data to third parties. The data is used exclusively for processing the conversation on the basis of Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO. **6. OpenStreetMap:** * The website uses maps from the "OpenStreetMap" service ([https://www.openstreetmap.de](https://www.openstreetmap.de)), which are offered by the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF) under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL). * According to current knowledge, OpenStreetMap uses user data only for displaying map functions and storing selected settings. This may include IP addresses and location data of users, which are not collected without their consent (usually within the framework of the settings of their mobile devices). * Data processing may occur in the USA. Further information can be found in the OpenStreetMap privacy policy: [https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Privacy_Policy](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Privacy_Policy). Please note that this is a general explanation, and it's essential to read the entire privacy policy carefully for complete understanding. mehr ... zuletzt aktualisiert am 09. Oktober 2024
